Sunday, March 29, 2009

I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth

UCONN celebrating their west regional victory (AP photo Mark J. Terrill)
Shane Clark pervs out watching Dante Cunningham make out with Villanova's East regional trophy (AP photo Stephen Savoia).
Rick Pitino pissed off because his team is not good (AP photo Michael Conroy).

It might be time to go out and buy some powerball tickets, because rarely does any one person have this much basketball fortune. Yesterday UCONN punched their final four ticket with a win over Missouri, then Scottie Reynolds sent Pittsburgh and Dejuan Blair home crying with a game winner, and just now Michigan State rolled over Louisville to knock them out of the tournament. So this is where I stand. of the 4 teams I follow, 3 are still alive (2 of them in the final four) and the only one yet to play their elite eight game (Oklahoma) is about to play in what could be this tournaments best matchup. As for the teams I hate, both of them were just upset on their road to the final four, so I will not have to hear about either of them until next year.

I pity anyone that didn't watch that Villanova game, it was incredible. They are outmatched talentwise in every game they play, with Pittsburgh being no exception, but they are so well coached and make so few mistakes, that they are always in a position to win games. That is why I was surprised when I saw Reggie Redding (I think?) launch an inbounds pass across the court with Nova down 2 and ten seconds left on the clock. Bonehead move that very well could have cost them the game, luckily Cunningham was able to make a play on it and keep it inbounds, but all I could think when he let that pass go was "this is going to be the new Chris Webber infamous timeout call." Fortunately that did not happen, and Scottie Reynolds charged down the floor after Pitt tied it up, showed off the onions and sent Pitt packing. I am really interested to see how Villanova fairs in their final four matchup, I don't know how they handle either Hansbrough or Griffin, but I will not put anything past this team.

Speaking of Hansbrough and Griffin, experts on all sorts of different media outlets are trying to sound smart and downplay the importance of that matchup in this game, but they are missing the point: That matchup IS this game. If Oklahoma doesn't win that matchup, and win it big, they have no hope of winning the game. If it comes down to the teams' other pieces then North Carolina wins this game--they are just too deep and too talented.

Ok, the game is starting. Bold Prediction...Blake goes for 30 and 12, Oklahoma wins a nailbiter.

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